The International Formators Course (IFC) is an international apostolate of the RC. It is conducted by the Life and Mission area, an office of the RC Federation.
Life and Mission has an advisory council for the IFC, formed by Legionary priests and brothers who have participated in the program. This council supports the Life and Mission area for the proper development of the IFC.
To form the formators and team leaders of the RC sections.
Based on this principle, there are five general objectives around which the whole formative program is developed:
A real experience of Christ which brings about a transformation that lasts, not just a fleeting emotional experience.
A deeper knowledge and understanding of oneself, including one’s qualities and areas of growth, forming a “game plan” for the future.
The formation of a true, personal and objective point of view. Awareness and knowledge of the current ideologies and problems in the world.
Growth in the knowledge and love of Regnum Christi and discovery of one’s specific, personal mission within Regnum Christi, forming an apostolic vision, motivation, and commitment.
An awakening of the desire for self-formation in order to become an apostle for the establishment of the kingdom of God.
To offer a transforming experience to young people, which will help them to express their love for God in accordance with their individuality. This experience will enable them to collaborate in the evangelization of all mankind in accordance with their personal mission in life.